It's Time to DETOX!!

Informazioni generali

Bangkok, Thailandia

Il programma nel dettaglio

Any excels in the field of clinical practicing of ancient Ayurveda with customized approach.

We have experts onboard and who have more than 100 years of cumulative experience of practicing Ayurveda.

Besides providing clinical treatment to the patients, we also focus on improving quality of life of our patients through knowledge and awareness on prevention of ailments.

Detoxification process

Ayurveda recommends internal cleansing at every change of seasons. Detoxification is considered especially beneficial in the spring, because that is the time all of nature is rejuvenating itself.

Whatever treatment we recommend as Ayurveda experts, whether it's for purification or for treating an imbalance, we always follow the rule of balance first. This is a principle that is made clear by Charaka, one of the great ayurvedic healers of ancient times. The principle is that the physician should never create a new imbalance in order to repair or fix an imbalance.

Whatever herbs we use, whatever purification methods we employ, we should never risk disturbing the doshas (mind/body operating principles) further. Nor do we create an imbalance in the quality and quantity of the dhatus (body tissues) or the quality, quantity and flow of the malas (body wastes). It's also essential that any detox program support the health of the shrotas, the large and small channels that provide the path for toxins to leave the body, so that embedded impurities, once loosened by the purification program, can be flushed out of the body completely and quickly.

The perfect treatment doesn't balance one part of the body at the risk of imbalancing another part. In following this principle, the detoxification methods flush out the toxins gently without disturbing the body's own natural functioning.

There are two kinds of detoxification programs recommended: self-detox (including diet, herbal preparations, and daily routine) and a detoxification program supervised by an expert trained in Maharishi Ayurveda.

While everyone can benefit from a supervised program such as Maharishi Panchakarma, not everyone should embark on a self-detox program. The program you choose depends on the nature of your imbalances and the type of toxins lodged in your body.

At A&Y the body detoxification is focussed on three aspects:

Body- 60 min session of combined three ayurveda therapies

Mind-20 min session to calm the mind

Soul -10 min meditation for mind relaxation.

Further at A&Y, we offer a serene ambiance and pedagogy of the highest standard, where you can learn and rejuvenate, rediscover yourself afresh, gain access to new insights, and get amazed at your inner resources of contentment which you may not have experienced before.