Knee and spine therapy - (For those who Love their knee and spine)

Informazioni generali

Bangkok, Thailandia

Il programma nel dettaglio

Any excels in the field of clinical practicing of ancient Ayurveda with customized approach.

We have experts onboard and who have more than 100 years of cumulative experience of practicing Ayurveda.

Besides providing clinical treatment to the patients, we also focus on improving quality of life of our patients through knowledge and awareness on prevention of ailments.

Our approach : At A&Y wellness center we have picked up scientific therapies from ancient science which provides utmost relaxation to spine and knee by improving and nourishing dhatus and tissues, the therapy last for 75 min.

It is our Knee and Spine which is constantly pressurized to keep the body weight balance, posture maintenance and many more and hence it is advised to keep a special care and nourish these areas with herbs and specialised wellness treatment to strengthen the muscles and bones to enhance the longevity and balance of the body.

Ayurveda offers “safe and effective treatment alternatives”.

The herbs boswellia, turmeric, ashwagandha, ginger, triphala, guggulu, and shatavari have all been shown to decrease inflammation by interfering with the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body and also calm the spinal nerves connected with our cervical nerves thereby controlling our thoughts and actions besides providing strength and flexibility to our Knee and Spine.

Further at A&Y, we offer a serene ambiance and pedagogy of the highest standard, where you can learn and rejuvenate, rediscover yourself afresh, gain access to new insights, and get amazed at your inner resources of contentment which you may not have experienced before.