Outlander Adventure from Edinburgh - Small Group Tour


Informazioni generali

Edimburgo, Gran Bretagna

Il programma nel dettaglio

Visit three castles and a well-preserved village on this adventure through the sights and stories of Outlander on this 1-day tour from Edinburgh. Leave Edinburgh and travel back in time as your driver-guide takes you over the Queensferry Crossing to Culross.

This virtually-unchanged 16th-century village overlooks the sea and poses as the fictional town of Cranesmuir. You have time to visit Claire’s herb garden, explore the palace, or wander the ancient streets while you imagine what life must have been like 400 years ago.

You journey past Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument to Doune Castle, or as it’s called in Outlander, Castle Leoch. This formidable building gives you an insight into the living conditions of a Scottish earl in the 14th century. You can also listen to an excellent audio guide about how this castle was used as a filming location for Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Your next stop is Linlithgow Palace. Here you have time to enjoy beautiful views to the Forth bridges, have a picnic by the loch, and explore the ruins of Mary Queen of Scots’ birthplace. And if you’re feeling brave, you can visit the spot where that gruesome Outlander scene took place.

You then travel the short distance to Blackness Castle*. It’s an impressive castle that’s known as the ‘ship that never sailed’ because it resembles a giant stone boat. You have time to walk along the ramparts and explore the fictional headquarters of Jack Randall. Midhope Castle** is your next highlight. Unfortunately, visitors are unable to go inside the castle, but Jamie’s lovely Lallybroch home is still an essential photo opportunity for any fan of the show.

Before we head back to Edinburgh, you have a final stop in the colourful harbour area of South Queensferry.