Sightseeing with the Temples of Amritsar - Private Full-Day Tour


Informazioni generali

Amritsar, India

Il programma nel dettaglio

Located in the state of Punjab, Amritsar is one of the most important pilgrimage centres especially for the Sikhs in the country. The city is characterised by some of the must-visit religious, historical as well as contemporary sites of importance. The Golden Temple, where Sikhs from all over the world come to pay their reverence to Guru Granth Sahib and take a dip in the Amrit Saras Kund (Pool of Immortality) for spiritual purification is the major landmark of the place.

Amritsar is also characterised by hard-working and warm-hearted people. Start your visit to The Golden Temple - Located in the heart of the city is the Golden Temple, the most visited tourist attraction of Amritsar. Characterized by its four entrance doors (called deoris) in all four directions and the tastefully decorated shrines, in terms of art and architecture, the Golden Temple welcomes everyone regardless of the religion or faith one follows. The stunning sanctum, shimmering in the water of the holy tank, flanked by spotlessly clean marble walkways and pavements makes it breathtakingly beautiful. Then followed by a visit to Jaillianwala Bagh - A historical monument that tells the sad story of mass killing during the independence movement in India, Jalianwallah Bagh is another must-visit in Amritsar. Here lies the memorial of the martyrs of the 1919 massacre by British General Dyer. Presently the place also has a park.

Then visit Partition Museum - is housed at the historic Town Hall building in Amritsar, a 5 - 7 minute walk from the Golden Temple. With its arched verandahs, doors with Venetian glass, beautiful floor tiles, and the historic belfry (the bell was cast in 1897), the Town Hall is an apt home for the Partition Museum. It is located in the newly renovated Heritage Plaza. End your tour visit to Gobindgarh Fort Amritsar - is one of the most important historical places in the state. Spread across an area of 43 acres, the Gobindgarh Fort was initially built by Gujar Singh, and its final construction was completed by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The fort was built to protect Amritsar from any invasion and hence, it was known as the ‘Guardian of the holy city of Amritsar’.

