Trip to Aphrodite's Kingdom from Limassol

Informazioni generali

Limassol, CiproAttrazioni/Intrattenimento

Il programma nel dettaglio

A real history fest, this tour begins at Apollo Temple dating back over 2,000 years. Your guide will bring the ruins here back to life with vivid tales of their history, and then it’s onto the much loved Paphos. First up are the Tombs of the Kings. A huge honeycomb structure, carved into the rocks, you’ll get a glimpse into the 4th century BC here. It’s the House of Dionysos that tops the charts in the sight-seeing stakes though. A Roman villa dating back to the 3rd century, it houses beautiful mosaics, some of the East Med’s finest in fact. Your tour ends with free time to stroll along the harbour or pull up a chair at a seafront restaurant.