Khao Sok Explorations from Phuket

General information

Phuket, Thailand

Program details

Let us take you to the natural beauty of Thailand deep inside of the rainforest to exotic places and elephants. Experience the Khao Sok National Park up-close and have a bath with the biggest mammal on land.

Khao Sok Jungle Exploration

Khao Sok is one of the biggest and oldest national parks worldwide. It is what you would consider a real jungle. And exactly here you get the chance to be paddled on a canoe through the overwhelming nature.

The river is flowing calmly, passing single jungle huts, ancient trees and other exotic plants. In the trees you might find a sleeping snake and sometimes monkeys are playing close to the water.

Afterwards we offer you some tasty Thai buffet in a wonderful atmosphere at the Rock and Treehouse Resort. Eat as much as you want and enjoy a nice talk with your companions or let the fascinating impressions of the morning slowly sink it, before we continue our tour.

In the elephant camp the sensitive and proud giants are already waiting to show you their home. Feed, play and bath with the gentle giants (No riding).

In the end you will have seen Khao Sok from different sides, spend time on a river and on an elephant. You will have eaten Thai food and learned something about the fauna and flora of the national park.

After a day full of new impressions we are going to bring you back to your hotel, where you can still wallow in memories.