Activate your chakras with the A&Y way

General information

Bangkok, Thailand

Program details

Any excels in the field of clinical practicing of ancient Ayurveda with customized approach. We have experts onboard and who have more than 100 years of cumulative experience of practicing Ayurveda. Besides providing clinical treatment to the patients, we also focus on improving quality of life of our patients through knowledge and awareness on prevention of ailments.

Our approach:

A therapeutic treatment combined along with a small meditatio exercise can do wonders to bring the stability of the mind for running thoughts and hyperactivity

Due to the environmental conditions , social pressure and especially the corporate pressure , we are very much used to living with a fast pace of life which becomes uncontrollable at times even if we wish to control it.

Even for medical practitioners it is sometimes difficult to make the difference between the regular daily anxieties, the manifestations of excessive anxiety and the various mental states that are associated with these conditions.

In fact, anxiety is absolutely normal and often is even a healthy emotion. However, when we notice that we experience excessive levels of anxiety regularly, we should be careful because this may turn into a problem.

Ayurveda applies a holistic approach to the treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders, trying to calm the mind. For the treatment of the imbalanced Vata dosha, herbal treatment is recommended, as well as a diet that includes relatively fatty, but not heavy foods.

Ayurveda specialists believe that excessive anxiety is due to an imbalance of Vata dosha. Vata is one of the three doshas – or constitutions that support our homeostasis. Vata dosha embodies the energy of the element air and space, the mental wind.

If you ever had experienced inspiration or a sense that you have been carried away by a creative process, then you have felt Vata dosha in its best. When Vata goes out of balance, the excessive energy may cause the so-called citta vritti (literally, monkey mind). Further at A&Y, we offer a serene ambiance and pedagogy of the highest standard, where you can learn and rejuvenate, rediscover yourself afresh, gain access to new insights, and get amazed at your inner resources of contentment which you may not have experienced before.