Bungee jumping plus T-shirt

General information

Auckland, New ZealandSightseeing Tours

Program details

Experience the adrenalin rush of a lifetime in this 40 metre Bungee jump from the top of Auckland Harbour Bridge. Auckland is home to the world's first harbour bridge bungee jump and there can be few scenarios that match the beauty of the iconic Auckland Harbour Bridge, spanning the city's sparkling Waitemata Sound. This unforgettable 40 minute experience involves a leap from a purpose built pod suspended high over Waitemata Harbour.

The experience starts as you step out onto the network of stylishly converted walkways, ladders and curving arches in the easy ascent to the specially built bungee pod suspended high over sparkling Waitemata Harbour. During the climb your experienced guide will provide you with plenty of fascinating details about the bridge's construction and amazing architectural features as Auckland's incredible sights are showcased far below you.

Then when you reach the purpose-built jump pod you will have time to prepare yourself and work up the courage to make the leap out over Waitemata Harbour in a free fall of over 40 metres, suspended from a bungee cord. You can choose from a wide variety of options, including ankle tie, harness jump and tandem; the water touch is a popular choice for many daredevils. After the jump you will receive a certificate and a souvenir T-shirt to impress your friends and family and to remember this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Meeting point: Maritime Museum, Quay Street Downtown Auckland.
Duration: Around 90 minutes.
Start/opening time: 9am, 10.30am, 11.30am, 2.30pm. Bus departs from Maritime Museum five minutes prior to these times so please be there early.
Others: Not suitable for children under the age of nine.